Bruno Pelletier
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А в Канаде сегодня...

Kate Lyons
Anna Ivanova
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Сообщение автор JulietSoleil Вт Мар 02, 2010 3:13 am

Vancouver 2010 Closing Ceremony vivacanada kepka
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Видео - Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games (
Фото -
А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 Olimp А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 2010WO_medals

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Сообщение автор Maisy Чт Май 13, 2010 11:51 pm

Какие интересные события происходят в Монреале, живенько так напомнило Новый Орлеан. А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 945591

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Сообщение автор Svetlana Пт Май 14, 2010 12:46 pm

Хоккейные фанаты устроили погром в Монреале

Полиция задержала 41 человека после того, как в Монреале был учинен разгром по окончании серии плей-офф между местной командой и «Питтсбургом».

Несколько магазинов было ограблено. Полиции пришлось применить слезоточивый газ, чтобы успокоить разбушевавшихся фанатов после того, как «Монреаль» одержал победу над «Питтсбургом» в седьмом матче серии плей-офф Кубка Стэнли.
Теперь некоторые владельцы торговых точек опасаются в связи с грядущей серии «Монреаля» против либо «Бостона», либо «Филадельфии». В Монреале хоккейные фанаты уже устраивали погромы, они поджигали машины и пригородные магазины в 2008 году, а также устраивали хаос в городе после побед в Кубке Стэнли в 1986 и 1993 годов.

Об этом сообщает Associated Press.

Горячие квебекские парни.

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Сообщение автор Peace Пт Май 14, 2010 1:58 pm

Ну, ничем от наших не отличаются))

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Сообщение автор Bellemaria Пт Май 14, 2010 4:49 pm

Так наши-то оттуда и понабрались sad

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Сообщение автор Maisy Вт Июн 22, 2010 10:05 am

Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

No financial meltdowns here, Canada boasts, and world leaders want in on the secret

Rob Gillies, Associated Press Writer, On Sunday June 20, 2010, 4:51 pm EDT

TORONTO (AP) -- Canada thinks it can teach the world a thing or two about dodging financial meltdowns.

20 world leaders at an economic summit in Toronto next weekend will
find themselves in a country that has avoided a banking crisis where
others have floundered, and whose economy grew at a 6.1 percent annual
rate in the first three months of this year. The housing market is hot
and three-quarters of the 400,000 jobs lost during the recession have
been recovered.World leaders have noticed: President Barack
Obama says the U.S. should take note of Canada's banking system, and
Britain's Treasury chief is looking to emulate the Ottawa way on
cutting deficits.The land of a thousand stereotypes -- from
Mounties and ice hockey to language wars and lousy weather -- is
feeling entitled to do a bit of crowing as it hosts the G-20 summit of
wealthy and developing nations."We should be proud of the
performance of our financial system during the crisis," said Finance
Minister Jim Flaherty in an interview with The Associated Press.He
recalled visiting China in 2007 and hearing suggestions "that the
Canadian banks were perhaps boring and too risk-adverse. And when I was
there two weeks ago some of my same counterparts were saying to me,
'You have a very solid, stable banking system in Canada,' and
emphasizing that. There wasn't anything about being sufficiently
risk-oriented."The banks are stable because, in part, they're
more regulated. As the U.S. and Europe loosened regulations on their
financial industries over the last 15 years, Canada refused to do so.
The banks also aren't as leveraged as their U.S. or European peers.There
was no mortgage meltdown or subprime crisis in Canada. Banks don't
package mortgages and sell them to the private market, so they need to
be sure their borrowers can pay back the loans.In Canada's
concentrated banking system, five major banks dominate the market and
regulators know each of the top bank executives personally."Our
banks were just better managed and we had better regulation," says
former Prime Minister Paul Martin, the man credited with killing off a
massive government deficit in the 1990s when he was finance minister,
leading to 12 straight years of budget surpluses."I was
absolutely amazed at senior bankers in the United States and Europe who
didn't know the extent of the problem or they didn't know that people
in some far-flung division were doing these kinds of things. It's just
beyond belief," he told the AP.The Conservative Party government
of Stephen Harper that took over from Martin's Liberals in 2006 broadly
stuck to his predecessor's approach, though he cut taxes and, when
recession struck, pumped stimulus money into the economy, with the
result that Canada again has a large deficit.But it is
recovering from the recession faster than others, and although its
deficit is currently at a record high, the International Monetary Fund
expects Canada to be the only one of the seven major industrialized
democracies to return to surplus by 2015.This month Canada became the first among them to raise interest rates since the global financial crisis began.George Osborne, Britain's Treasury chief, has vowed to follow Canada's example on deficit reduction."They
brought together the best brains both inside and outside government to
carry out a fundamental reassessment of the role of the state," Osborne
said in a speech.It's a remarkable turnaround from 1993, when
the Liberals took office facing a $30 billion deficit. Moody's
downgraded Canada's credit rating twice. About 36 percent of the
government's revenue went toward servicing debt."Our situation
was dire. Canada was in a lot of trouble at that point," Martin said.
"If we were going to preserve our health care and our education system
we had to do it."As finance minister, he slashed spending. A
weak currency and a booming U.S. economy also helped Martin balance the
books. In the 1998 budget the government estimated that about 55
percent of the deficit reduction came from economic growth and 35
percent from spending cuts."The rest of the world certainly
thinks we're the model to follow," said Martin, who was prime minister
from 2003 to 2006. "I've been asked by a lot of countries as to how to
go about it."Don Drummond, Martin's budget chief at the time,
says the U.S. and Europe won't have it that easy, because the economic
climate was better in the late 1990s than it is now, with large trade
gains and falling interest rates."There's a lot to learn from
Canada but their starting conditions are worse," he said. "Even though
we were on the precipice of a crisis we weren't in as bad a shape as
many of them are."

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Сообщение автор Peace Пт Июн 25, 2010 6:14 pm

Небольшое видео о том, как празднуют La St-Jean в Квебеке, от команды монреальской рок-группы Your Favorite Enemies Smile)

Bonne St-Jean A tous!!! from Your Favorite Enemies on Vimeo.


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Сообщение автор Maisy Сб Июл 10, 2010 1:57 am

National security squad to probe Quebec bombing

Multiple police forces to investigate blast at Canadian Forces recruitment centre

Last Updated:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 | 8:44 PM ET


The Canadian Press

Authorities are treating last week's bombing of a Canadian Forces
recruitment centre in Trois-Rivières, Que., as a matter of national
security. А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 Tp-cf-bomb-cp-8983125Police
are now treating the investigation into the bombing of an armed forces
recruitment centre in Trois-Rivières, Que., as a national security
(Sylvain Mayer/Canadian Press) The
investigation into the July 2 blast has been handed over to what is
known as an integrated national security enforcement team, the RCMP
said Thursday.
The integrated teams include members of the RCMP, local police
forces and federal law enforcements agencies. They were set up in
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver to facilitate a more
co-ordinated approach to investigating national security cases.
An RCMP spokeswoman said police will attempt to identify and arrest
members of the little known anti-globalization, anti-war group that
claimed responsibility for the attack.
A group calling itself Résistance Internationaliste claimed
responsibility for the bombing, which took place at 3 a.m. and resulted
in no injuries.
The group issued a statement in which it also railed against
multinational corporations, imperialism, the "repressive orgy" at the
G20 and oil pipelines in Afghanistan.
The group has claimed responsibility in the past for two previous
bombings — one at a Hydro-Québec tower near the U.S. border in 2004 and
another that targeted the car of a petroleum industry executive in 2006.
Municipal police in Trois-Rivières were tipped off shortly before the bomb exploded.

Read more:

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Сообщение автор Kate Lyons Сб Июл 10, 2010 2:03 am

Yes, this is the same building as the hotel where we stayed!
Kate Lyons
Kate Lyons

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Сообщение автор Maisy Вс Авг 15, 2010 1:57 pm

L’Oeuvre Léger lance «Nourrir un enfant» 2010

Publié le 12 Août 2010
Michel Joanny-Furtin

L’animatrice Pénélope McQuade en est l’ambassadrice

Dans le cadre de sa campagne 2010 «Nourrir un enfant», l’Oeuvre Léger sollicitera la générosité des Montréalais à partir du 19 août en invitant la population à faire des dons auprès des magasins Métro et Super C. L’animatrice Pénélope McQuade est l’ambassadrice de cette collecte de fonds depuis trois ans déjà.

Sujets :
Commission scolaire , Métro , Montréal , Outremont , Quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

Bien connue des Québécois, l’Oeuvre Léger tient ses quartiers au coeur d’Outremont au 130, rue de l’abbé de l’Épée. Cet organisme caritatif sollicite régulièrement la fibre empathique des Montréalais pour soutenir ses nombreuses campagnes de solidarité envers les plus démunis.

Un engagement qui a ému Pénélope McQuade laquelle soutient depuis trois ans la campagne de dons «Nourrir un enfant» en tant qu’ambassadrice.

Avec elle et pour l’occasion, nombre d’artistes ont choisi d’ajouter leur témoignage à celui de Diane De Courcy, la présidente de la Commission scolaire de Montréal, présidente de «Nourrir un enfant» : Isabelle Cyr, Boom Desjardins, Boucar Diouf, Marc Hervieux, Josée Lavigueur, Marie Nicole Lemieux, Bruno Pelletier et Francis Reddy.

Selon les chiffres de l’œuvre Léger, le nombre des familles ayant recours aux banques alimentaires s’accroît. On estime à 30 % la hausse des demandes cette année. À Montréal seulement, 40 écoles primaires et 18 écoles secondaires sont considérées parmi les écoles les plus pauvres de la Belle province.

«Plusieurs organismes bénéficiaires de cette campagne sont situés dans le quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve où j’habite», dit l’ambassadrice et animatrice. «Avec ’’Nourrir un enfant’’, il ne s’agit pas seulement de le faire manger, mais de le nourrir affectivement, scolairement, socialement, et donc de soutenir aussi les familles.»

Une notoriété solidaire

«Beaucoup de gens n’ont pas tout dans la vie, et ça me touche beaucoup. Je n’ai pas d’enfant, mais plusieurs de mes amies sont monoparentales, avec un bon niveau de vie. Et pourtant, elles avouent avoir des difficultés pour y arriver. Imaginez ce que cela doit être quand on n’a pas de ressources pour profiter de la vie...»

«Cet engagement comme ambassadrice, donne un sens à ma notoriété», insiste Pénélope. «J’ai envie d’avoir une influence pour les gens. Non pas sur ce qu’ils devraient voir, lire ou écouter, mais sur le regard qu’ils portent sur autrui et leur entourage. C’est pour moi la seule utilité d’être connue!»

Selon le site web de l’Oeuvre léger, on relève les difficultés d’apprentissage, l’insécurité et le stress psychologique, la mauvaise santé due à des carences alimentaires et l’exclusion sociale. Des faits qui amenuisent les chances d’avenir des enfants.

Lancée le 19 août prochain, l’opération «Nourrir un enfant» commencera le 20 août. Tous les magasins Métro et Super C du Québec accepteront les dons à la caisse pendant les huit semaines que durera cette campagne.

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Сообщение автор Maisy Ср Авг 25, 2010 1:58 pm

24 août 2010 à 15h22
L’Ensemble vocal Rythmick recherche des choristes

Rivière-du-Loup - L’Ensemble vocal Rythmick (Chœur St-Louis Enr.) est à la recherche de nouveaux choristes, hommes ou femmes, jeunes ou moins jeunes, pour compléter son ensemble vocal en prévision du prochain spectacle annuel prévu en mai 2011.

Si vous possédez une voix juste, un bon sens du rythme et que vous aimez le chant populaire et les rencontres amicales, vous pouvez vous inscrire ! Cette année, le répertoire de l’ensemble sera composé des pièces d’Andrée Watters, Lady Gaga, Maxime Landry, Marc Dupré, Bruno Pelletier, Marie-Mai et bien d’autres.

Les pratiques ont lieu le mercredi soir de 19h30 à 22 h au local habituel situé au 85, rue Frontenac, à Rivière-du-Loup. Pour s’inscrire ou pour en savoir plus, il faut venir au Carrefour loisirs, les 1er et 2 septembre prochains, au Manège militaire.

Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec Julie Boudreau, directrice musicale, au 418 492-6341 et visiter le tout nouveau site web au La reprise des activités est prévue le mercredi 8 septembre prochain.

Если вкратце, людей приглашают в хор, репертуар этого года составят песни Андре Уоттерс, Леди Гага, Брюно Пельтье и другие.

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Сообщение автор Maisy Пт Авг 27, 2010 11:50 am

Интересное заявление сделал A senior cabinet minister in Prime Minister Stephen Harper(?), который заявил, что Канаде нужно больше тюрем, ппотому что, дескать, преступлений совершается куда больше, просто люди не заявляют. Совсем как в том одесском анекдоте: Сара, а не пожарить ли нам рыбы на ужин? Сара: А где рыба-то? Абрам: Ты жарь, а рыба будет.

]Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION
Day blasted after suggesting more prisons needed
Says there is a rise in unreported crimes

OTTAWA -- A senior cabinet minister in Prime Minister Stephen
Harper's government came under fire Tuesday for suggesting Canada needs
to build more prisons in part because of a rise in unreported crimes.

"We're very concerned... about the increase in the amount of
unreported crimes that surveys clearly show are happening," Day said at
a news conference. "People simply aren't reporting the same way they
used to."

The comments were immediately contradicted by the government's main
statistical agency -- and inspired a rapidly spreading Internet video
that mocked the minister for not being able to identify the source of
his arguments.

Day made the remarks as Harper's cabinet and caucus returned to
Parliament Hill for a series of meetings to review the government's
agenda and economic policies. He said the government was committed to
winding down stimulus spending programs to eliminate the deficit, but
added planned multibillion-dollar investments in new prisons would be
needed to replace aging facilities, deter violent criminals and cope
with what he claimed is a rise in unreported crimes.

"Those numbers are alarming and it shows that we can't take a
liberal view to crime (or) suggest that it's barely happening at all,"
said Day. "We still have situations, too many situations of criminal
activity that are alarming to our citizens and we intend to continue to
deal with that."

Day is not the first minister or Conservative MP to suggest the
police-reported crime rates are an inaccurate picture of crime in

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, in an email missive to supporters
July 22, blamed statistical dishonesty and soft-on-crime apologists in
the media and Liberal caucus for suggestions the crime problem in
Canada is getting better.

"No amount of statistical manipulation is going to dissuade
Canadians from what they know to be true: in this great country, we
have a crime problem," Toews wrote.

He went on to say Canadians are no longer reporting crimes, in increasingly large numbers, to the police.

"Whether it's in respect of serious sexual assaults or more
commonplace property offences, the argument that Statistic Canada's
"police report" statistics show that the crime rate is falling, is
seriously flawed," he wrote. "As with all statistical measures, it
depends on your point of reference -- and often, your level of honesty."

During an appearance before a parliamentary committee in March,
Toews pointed to 1999 and 2004 victimization surveys by Statistics
Canada as evidence crime rates have gone up 15 to 19 per cent. He said
crime rates in cities like Winnipeg and Vancouver exceed those in most
U.S. cities.

Those surveys, conducted once every five years, suggested the
proportion of crimes reported to police dropped from 42 per cent in
1994 to 37 per cent in 1999 and 34 per cent in 2004. The proportion of
violent crimes reported went up slightly from 31 to 33 per cent between
1999 and 2004.

The percentage of people who had been the victim of a crime in the
previous year went from 26 per cent in 1999 to 28 per cent in 2004. The
rate of most violent crimes, including sexual assault and physical
assault had stayed the same or gone down. The rate of household crimes,
including robbery and vandalism, had gone up.

The surveys suggested most people who didn't report crimes kept
silent because they dealt with the crime another way or because they
didn't think the crime was serious enough to report. Victims were more
likely to report the crime if they were injured or had lost property
worth more than $1,000.

Statistics Canada quickly shot down Day's assumption, saying this
data cannot be compared to police-reported crime statistics, since it
only surveyed eight types of crimes as opposed to the hundreds of
crimes investigated by police.

"So for example, you can't ask somebody: Have you ever been a victim
of a homicide?" said Warren Silver from the agency's centre for justice

"It's just not possible to do. So what (the Statistics Canada
research) does do is track some of the types of crimes that people
might not report and might report and some of the reasons why."

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Сообщение автор Svetlana Чт Фев 24, 2011 2:28 pm

С 17 по 27 февраля пройдет La Fête de la lumière à Montréal

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Сообщение автор JulietSoleil Вс Мар 20, 2011 5:56 pm

А в Канаде сегодня... ВЕСНА началась! 20 марта - День весеннего равноденствия.

А также сегодня - Международный день Франкофонии !
В 2011 году Франкофония объединяет 75 стран!
А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 7616eb48765f08887552999aa55d09a4

Программа Дней Франкофонии в Москве в 2011 году -

Программа в Киеве -


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Сообщение автор Fanny Вс Мар 20, 2011 6:10 pm

Вау! Я даже не знала, что есть такой праздник! Спасибо, JulietSoleil!
Всех с праздником! firework

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Сообщение автор Assol' Вс Мар 20, 2011 6:22 pm

Уааа! Как это я удачно в темку зашла! Не зря у меня с утра настроение хорошее! С праздником! cheersgroup
JulietSoleil, спасибо)))

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Сообщение автор DragonFly_Little Вс Мар 20, 2011 6:29 pm

aleksey_01 kvazi firework

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Сообщение автор Barbie Вс Мар 20, 2011 7:18 pm

с праздником! firework
А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 470quebecflag061122

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Сообщение автор Svetlana Вс Мар 20, 2011 7:58 pm

:flower: С ПРАЗДНИКОМ!!! :flower:
cheersgroup cheersgroup

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Сообщение автор JulietSoleil Сб Мар 26, 2011 1:15 am

19 марта 2011 года Франция, Великобритания, США, Италия и Канада при поддержке союзников начали военную операцию "Одиссея. Рассвет" в Ливии.
Канада направляет еще два военных самолета в район Средиземноморья для участия в операции в Ливии. В общей сложности в операции западной коалиции в Средиземноморье участвует 435 канадских военнослужащих.
В операции "Одиссея. Рассвет" примут участие все 28 стран, входящих в Североатлантический альянс. Пока в операции участвуют Великобритания, Франция, США, Канада, Бельгия, Италия, Испания, Дания. (
Военная операция в Ливии продлится 90 дней. Такое заявление сделал официальный представитель альянса (
Войска Каддафи пообещали умереть за своего лидера и заставить Запад "пожалеть" о вмешательстве.
Обновляемая лента новостей с военной Ливии - 


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Сообщение автор Яня Сб Мар 26, 2011 12:53 pm

Название операции прямо как название романа, ох уж эти американцы...)

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Сообщение автор Maisy Сб Мар 26, 2011 10:40 pm

Ага, хорошее название. Одиссей был типа, проклят и обречен возвращаться домой годами. Что он и делал, блукая по свету, пока его товарищей кушали и обращали в свиней всякие монстры и чародеи. В конце концов их скушали всех и Одиссей вернулся домой один, чтоб найти свой дом в упадке, где сын вырос без отца, а к жене приставала куча чужих мужиков...

Символично. whistle2

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Сообщение автор Assol' Сб Мар 26, 2011 10:54 pm

Может не в тему, но часто названия дают подобные, символичные. Видела, магазин шуб с названием "Медея" (Медея убила соперницу отравленной одеждой) и магазин автозапчастей "Фаэтон" (мальчик Фаэтон разбился на колеснице).

Возраст : 33

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А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 Empty Re: А в Канаде сегодня...

Сообщение автор Яня Вс Мар 27, 2011 1:25 am

Надеюсь экспедиция вернется из Ливии раньше чем через 20 лет, несмотря на название.
Хомыч, верно подмечено!! А я видела клинику "Вирион", хотя вирион это название вируса!! Уж врачи должны были знать..

Возраст : 36

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А в Канаде сегодня... - Страница 5 Empty Re: А в Канаде сегодня...

Сообщение автор Assol' Вс Мар 27, 2011 5:09 pm

Вот и я о том же, чем думают, когда называют... JC_thinking

Возраст : 33

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